Upper Secondary School Curriculum
International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
(Year 10 - Year 11/SK ZŠ 9. ročník - GYM 2. ročník)
14 to 16 year old students
Our Year 10 and Year 11 students follow the two-year IGCSE – International General Certificate in Secondary Education (Ages 15 to 16). Our International GCSEs offer world-class qualifications for international students. Edexcel International GCSEs are studied worldwide and offer over 40 subjects. Students sit exams for each subject in either January or June in the second year of the programme. This gives students the options of taking some exams early or resitting exams where they want to improve the grade awarded.
Our qualifications have been designed in collaboration with subject experts, teachers and university professors, to ensure that the content and assessment methods are appropriate and will enable successful progression for learners. As a result, Edexcel IGCSEs are recognised by colleges and universities worldwide.
iUpper Secondary IGCSE (Subjects currently on offer)
International GCSE
To see what International GCSE subjects are available